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(1)Long Daddy Green(2)達斯蒂·斯普林菲爾德(3)I Noo the Moon(4)Yesterday Hoen I Wool Young(5)Will Ze a Ria a Morning(6)Inside A Silent Tier(7)Hay John(8)Sweet喬治·費姆(9)Sweet驚喜(10)I Like London In The Rain(11)メディテイション(12)Jinji(13)Sweet la ver no more(14)One Note桑巴(15)I Am Hip(16)Shape of Things(17)T to Tu(18)Dupe de Dupe(19)MoonlightセイヴィングTime(20)Bang Go the Do拉姆(21)Mid of Love(22)Puju Al Brane(23)The Heum de Ua la la(24)Gees and人偶娃娃(25)Road Island Is Famous of You(26)Bun(27)Evre ing a Guts(28)I Here Music(29)toドゥスマン
Blossom deari(VO,P)