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[1](1)Livin on a player(2)it the life(3)bone to be my life(3)bone to be my baby(4)the day(5)in the day(6)all way(7)have a nice day(8)out of course(9)被禁止的愛(10)isle by zea for you(11)keep the face(12)the bed of rose(13)bad medicine(14)wanted dead or acess(15)blood on blood(16)legendary[2](1)never say goodbye(2)samday isle by satday night(3)shed do now me(4)ray you hands on me(5)dry county(6)dis a eyes a love song(7)wild is the wind(11)eyed die for you(12)revenue proof(13)bounce(14)while house is not for sell(11)whose you can go home(12)captain crush and the world queen from the summer(13)only lonely(14)i am(15)burning for love(16)hay god(17)stick to you are guns(18)エニィother day[4]