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[1](1)Rushing Water捆綁貨物Water(2)If It's Love if is Love(3)The Book of Numbers the book of Numbers(3)The Book of Numbers The Book of Numbers(4)Loving You raving You(5)Harmony Road和諧路(6)For Her Love for Her love for Harness(7)The Hills on the Border The Hills on the Border(8)Captain Bateman隊長貝特曼(9)The Bells of St.Thomas the Bell of the Border The Hills on the Border(10)The Bridge the Bridge(11)Waters of Tyne Water(12)Captain Bateman's Basement Captain Baitman Basement(13)(Sittin'on)The Dock of the Bay Dock of Bay(14)I Guess the Lord Must Be in New York City孤獨的紐約[2](1)Shape of My Heart Shape of My Heart(LIVE)(2)Fragile Flacier(LIVE)(3)Message In A Bottle Love(LIVE)(7)Por Su Amor feat.KURT poor S Amor feat.KURT(8)Por Su Amor poor S Amor