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(1)水晶之夜(level(The Crystal)(2)Da Du Ron Ron(The Crystal)(3)B My Baby(The Ronz)(4)Kiss Down(The Crystal)(5)找到帥氣的孩子(Darren Love)(6)Baby,I Love You(The Crystal)(7)愛著的東西(The Crystal)(8)Zip a de du De(Bob B.Sock&The Blue Jeans)(9)直到波比回來(Darren Love)(10)戀愛的雨聲(The Ronz)(11)戀愛的Uptown(The Crystal)(12)Y de Lavers Blake Each Azaz Hearts(Bob B.Sock&The Blue Jeans)(13)是否戀愛(The Ronz)(14)A Fine,Fine Boy(Darren Love)(15)Zeas no other like my baby(The Crystal)(16)飄飄然的感覺(Raischaos Brothers)(17)Blakin Up(The Ronz)(18)Not to young to get malead(Bob B.Sock&The Blue Jeans)(19)River Deep,MountAin High(Ike&Tina Turner)※〈Blu-spec CD〉