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[1](1)Uber Time(2)Oil Deil(Live Me Alone)(3)Pop A Pill(4)Fia is a place to Reve(5)Move On(6)Lead The Parade(7)Let The Gillt Go(8)The Passet(9)Never Around(10)You Ready to Reve?(11)Holding all Des Rise(12)Studio音樂錄影帶(1)Uber Time~Oil Deil(Live Me Alone)(2)Pop A Pill(3)Fia is a place to Reve(4)Move On(5)Lead The Parade(6)Let The Gillt Go(7)The Passet(8)Never Around(9)You Ready to Reve?(10)Holding all Des Rise(10)
[1](14)LIVE錄音/[1](14)2010年5月/[1](14)the Rosland Ballroom,NYC,May 102010