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(1)GO GO DANCE(Go Go Girls)(2)TOSAY TO DO TO DO TO KISS(多米諾)(3)Baby Revolution(Triumph)(4)My Superman(Pizza Girl)(5)I Like You Soe Match(Norma Sheffield)(6)Hi Satisfaction(Thomas T.)(7)Love is my Paradise(Helena)(8)Play the Game(Layla)(9)Its my Life(TOBI Ash)(10)If You Only Feel(Karen)(11)No Other Love(Madison)(12)I Wanna by your Rainbow(J.Storm)(13)Cam to me(電視劇)(14)Wildデザイヤー(Ace Warrior)(15)Give me your Love(Clair Deny)(16)Fire Fire Fire Fire(中庭結構)(17)We Wanna Rock(Dave Rogers)(18)Pray(Eurobeat Mix)(小事樂團)