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[1](1)Music For The People(Dave Rogers&Jennifer Batten)(2)Over and Over(MR Groove)(3)Bad is Baby(MR Groove)(4)Talking Hands(Domino&Aki)(5)Gerry Simmons(6)Take A Frame弗洛姆My Heart(Nikki Nikki)(7)Din Don(Susie Lazy)(8)Ray You al Hands on Me(電視劇)(9)Tokyo Gayns(Atrium)(10)Not Distime(TOBI Ash)(11)People Of The Night(Black Power)(12)Endless Love(Melody)(13)Frame On The Fire(Mega Energy Man)(14)Frames On The Fire(Margaret)(15)15)Fly Day Night(Dave Domen)(16)Listen to the Rhythm(D-艾塞剋斯)(17)Love Gun(Mary Simmons)(18)Euro Boy(19)Dansing in The Dark(凡妮莎))(20)Music For the Leaders(Frank Torpede)(21)Lonely Night(海蓮娜)(22)Le Boy(19)Dansing in The Dark(D-艾塞剋斯)(20)Music For the Leaders(Frank Torpede)(21)Lonely Night()(22)Le Boy(19)Dansing in The Dark()(20)Music For the Leaders(Frank Torpede)(21)Lonely Night()(22)Le Boy(Cherry)(25)My Van迪多(Delta Queens)(26)Money Go!(馬可·波羅)[2]Bonus CD Single(1)To Young To Forre In Love〜Y&CO Remix(EDO)(2)Jungle Night〜B4ZA Beat Remix(A Beat Power)(3)Boon Boon DJ〜T.Y.M.P MIRKA維琪·黎安托