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[1](1)PIECES OF A DREAM(2)You Go Your Way(3)愛得太深(4)配鑰匙(5)It Takes Two(6)月夜(7)YOUR NAME NEVER GONE(8)Why(9)This Night(10)deep inside of you(11)Life goes on~side K〜(12)Once Again(13)Go Alone(14)I'll steal your heart(川田酒店要)(15)Shawty(CHEMISTRY+Synergy)(16)a better tomorrow[2](1)Point of No Return(2)My Cherie Amour(ASAYAN超男。川田酒店堂珍)(3)TWO(4)尋找你~The Wedding Song〜(5)Let's Get Together Now(JAPAN ver.)(Voices of KOREA/JAPAN)(6)My Gift to You(CHEMISTRY meets S.O.S.)(7)最後的夜晚(ASAYAN超男。川田酒店堂珍)(8)almost in love(9)Grind For Me(10)To You>
2011 2011 DefSTAR ReLIFE Gift合作