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[1](1)east end girl(keeps singing)(remixed by FRONTIER BACKYARD)(2)light night dance(remixed by HALFBY AND隨身聽)(3)hill girl steps(remixed by Olive Oil)(4)east end girl(keeps singing)(remixed by Sen[〜]or Coconut](5)blue&green waves(remixed by World's End Girlfriend)(6)sundown river(remixed by I am Robot and Proud)(7)skyline boy(remixed by Traks Boys)(8)east end girl(keeps singing)(remixed by Gabby&Lopez)(9)day all stars(remixed by The Go!Team)(10)sing with my tapes(11)rain talks day(12)last boy dance(and you)[2]〈DVD〉(1)swallowtail bridge(2)supernova girl(3)555is in your heart(4)dancing horse on my notes(5)baby's star jam(6)east end girl(keeps singing)(7)light night dance※〈紙外套規格〉
[2]現場錄音/[2](1)(2)2008年7月(3)~(7)2008年11月(2)Shibuya WOMB(3)~(7)Shinjuku LOFT