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01螢火/蠢々秋月~Mooned Insect
02 Mystica/只聽歌
03 Historical Teller/Plain Azia
04 Reminiscence/少女綺想曲~Dream Battle
05 Sparkin Beam/戀愛色Master Spark
06 Lunatic Red Eyes/瘋狂之瞳~Invisible Full Moon
07 Aρτεμι/千年幻想鄉~History of the Moon
08黃昏皇後/竹取飛翔~Lunatic Princess
09 Cremated Phoenix/送到月亮,不死之煙
10 Carats of the Moon/千年幻想鄉~History of the Moon
11 A way to be immortal/extender ash~蓬萊人
12 Hour Ray(2024 Remaster)/竹取飛翔~Lunatic Princess