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1.An cogadh mo'r
妖精大戰爭~Fairy Wars/整年入迷的好奇心
2.Toss the icy feathers
3.Ar mhaith leat cupa'n tae?
上海茶館~Chinese Tea/1884年的上海愛麗絲
4.Whistling with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with the bonnie lass(covering ouse with bhfuil hornpipe misfortunes厄神Froggy達剋賽德