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媒體:Press CD東方系同人音樂CD
1 only in the morning upside down after moonlight
2 Ancient/東方妖怪夢~Ancient Temple/東方妖怪夢
3 Witching Dream/Witching Dream/東方幻想鄉
4 Haunted Dancefloor
5 Border of Life/幽雅綻放、墨染之櫻~Border of Life/東方妖怪夢
6 Little Love Girl/天麩羅戀女/東方紅魔鄉
7 Crescent Dream/Crescent Dream/東方幻想鄉
8 Sky Ruin/Sky Rubin/東方星蓮船
9 your smile,your face,your lies,your love/幽夢~Inanimate Dream/東方幻想鄉
10 Plain Asia(Camellia's Reconstructed Plainness rmx.)/PlainAsia