同人音樂光盤軟件 東方風暴~TOHO TEMPEST~/Sonic Hispeed Omega

日本名: 同人音楽CDソフト 東方の嵐 ~TOHO TEMPEST~ / Sonic Hispeed Omega
管理編號: 186102722
媒體: CD

產品描述 ※現在,產品的信息通過翻譯機械翻譯,所以內容可以不正確。請貴客原諒。

Garden en Universe feat.Sonic Hispeed Omega
1Septette for the Dead Princess
2Good Old Blood in the Old World
3The Fairytale of the Land So Far Away
4Master of Time with the Luna Dial
5Crystallized Silver Brilliants in Snow
6Lunatic Princess~Legend of the Moon
7Adventure of the Loving Filly
8Shoot through the Sky,Master Spark!
9Judgement of Dolls~Shape of Humankind
10Shanghai Alice1884~Knock of the Civilization
11Nightof Mirage in the Ghostly Eyes
12Border of Life~The Black Cherry Blossom