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〈Stage View〉enigma,華,Theme from Fist of the North Star~The Road of Lords〜,THE THEME OF B.J.,THE WINGS,Drifting,The Voyage,Ups and Downs,enigma~epilogue〜/〈Close-up View〉Vermillion Palace,華,Theme from Fist of the North Star~The Road of Lords〜,THE WINGS,Ups and Downs,SACRED FIELD,GO FURTHER,#1090~Million Dreams〜
(1)Dream Drive(2)enigma(3)Vermillion Palace(4)Step to Heaven(5)戀歌(6)華(7)Theme from Fist of the North Star~The Road of Lords〜(8)Theme from ULTRAMAN(9)THE WHISINGS(11)99(12)Wanna Go Home(13)Hopes(14)Under The Sun(15)Drifting(16)The Voyage(20)RED SUN~SACRED FIELD(21)GO FURTHER(22)#1090~Million Dreams〜
從2016年春季全國巡演〈Tak Matsumoto Tour 2016-The Voyage-〉開始,以日本武道館的最終公演為主題。