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(1)Tale of Two Kingdoms(2)A Bride for a Groom(3)Cats and Dogs?(4)Leopoldine's Request(5)Beyond the Wall(6)溫柔預感(琴音)(7)Troubled Times(8)Sarah's Dream(9)Time for Breakfast!(10)Quite the Curious Man(11)The Busy Streets of Al Hamit(12)The Man from Baikali(13)The Gold Kingdom(14)Saladin's Saz(15)Sarah's Inner Thought(16)Words of My Father(17)Sarah's Courage(18)Leopoldine and the Flood Gate(19)Fine Dining(20)A Path to Salvation(21)Not That Guy!(22)Luqman Runs Away(23)No Turning Back Now(24)To the Land of Water(25)A Nap for Odonchimeg(26)Princess?(27)The Chief's Parade(28)Temporary Wife(29)The Chief Awaits(30)Sarah and the
動畫電影《金之國水之國》的原聲音樂集。音樂由因NHK大河劇《鎌倉殿的13人》等而聞名的Evan Co le負責。除了劇伴之外,還可以欣賞
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