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[1](1)The Bob's Burgers Theme Song(2)LiftUp the Skirt of the Night(3)Butts,Butts,Butts(4)Theme from Banjo(5)Da Ding Ding(6)Pirates of Panache(7)Weekend at Mort's(8)Sex Music(9)Wing Man(10)Taffy Butt(11)Getting Out of P.E.(12)Groping for Glory(13)Oil Spill(14)One Way or Another(15)The Prince of Persuasia(16)Bad Girls(14)One Way or Another(15)The Prince of美國(16)Bad Girls(17)You Got Beefsquatched(18)Milk's Tragic(58)The Fart Song(59)Hava Nagara(60)Equestranauts Theme(61)Nice Things Are Nice(62)Wharf of Wonder(63)Bad Things Are Bad[2](1)Die Hard/Working Girl Musical Medley(2)Work Hard or Die Trying,Girl(3)Jeff(Il Est Mort)(4)Your Best Friend(5)Finger on the Trigger(6)Christmas Magic(7)Happy Crappy Place(8)Darryl's Slow Jam(9)I'm Jimmy Jr.Pesto(10)The Sheriff Had a Piggy(11)Lipstick on His Pickup(12)I'll Trade You These Tears~I Won't)(46)Electric Love(Bob's Buskers)(47)Sailors in Your Mouth(Bob's Buskers)(48)ChristMagic(Bob's Buskers)(49)Bad Stuff Happens in the Bathroom(Bob's Buskers)
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