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[1](1)Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME~The whole new world〜(Lala Version)(2)Prenotion(3)Image of hero(4)Crossing3084(5)Healing(6)Chaotic bar(7)Day dawns(8)Valentine(9)Easter(10)Day light(11)Weird night(12)Versus1-Tricktrack-(13)Versus2-A longing to ancient times-(14)The nearest place to the heaven(PART1)(15)The nearest place to the heaven(PART2)(16)Can still see the light~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME〜(Lala Version)(17)Can still see the light~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME〜(Piano Version)(18)Leavin flow(19)Rose confession[2](1)The whole new world~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME〜(2)Silent palace(3)A longing to ancient times(PART1)(4)A longing to ancient times(PART2)(5)Revive the secred of rough wave(6)Tricktrack(PART1)(7)Tricktrack(PART2)(17)Can still see the light~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME〜(2)Silent palace(3)A longing to ancient times(PART1)(4)A longing to ancient times(PART2)(18)Leavin flow(19)Rose2.0(1)The whole new world~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME〜(2)Silent palace(3)A longing to ancient times(PART1)(4)A longing to ancient times(PART2)(8)Growl from the digital haze(9)Jungle-A lush load-(10)Jungle-A forest cage-(11)The frenzy wilds(12)Abysmal ball intermission-(13)Abysmal ball-banquet-(14)"IDOLA"have the immortal feather(15)"IDOLA"have the divine blade(16)World with me~Phantasy Star Online EPISONDE2ENDING THEME〜