
日本名: アニメ系CD 「劇場版ソードアート・オンライン -プログレッシブ- 冥き夕闇のスケルツォ」オリジナル・サウンドトラック
管理编号: 120148352
发售日: 2022/09/09
制造商: Sony Music
媒体: CD

产品的明细 ※现在,产品的信息通过翻译机械翻译,所以内容可以不正确。请贵客原谅。

(1)the battle begins(2)to the next stage(3)celebrating the victory(4)in a coffee shop(5)there's something shining(6)a bonus to relic finding(7)relic hunting(8)Mournful Wraith(9)Sly Shrewman(10)I have to get it back!(11)I can't give up now(12)someone's coming(13)what are the two talking about?(14)that rapier is mine!(15)he is clad in black(16)now I got it back(17)it was all right now(18)a little sword fight(19)on the hill(20)preparing for a party(21)outwitting(22)guild flag(23)a small bit of tenderness(24)if we were together,we could.(25)now I'm going my own way(26)I can't go with you(27)duel with me!(28)she was my true friend(29)we just have to get the flag(30)win,and advance(31)in front of the boss room(32)Fuscus the Vacant Colosus(33)together we can defeat it!(34)we can be friends again(35)this is the guild flag(36)who I should cry for(37)a toast and a raid(38)I have a special pendant(39)I will support you※


  • 1. the battle begins
  • 2. to the next stage
  • 3. celebrating the victory
  • 4. in a coffee shop
  • 5. there’s something shining
  • 6. a bonus to relic finding
  • 7. relic hunting
  • 8. Mournful Wraith
  • 9. Sly Shrewman
  • 10. I have to get it back!
  • 11. I can’t give up now
  • 12. someone’s coming
  • 13. what are the two talking about?
  • 14. that rapier is mine!
  • 15. he is clad in black
  • 16. now I got it back
  • 17. it was all right now
  • 18. a little sword fight
  • 19. on the hill
  • 20. preparing for a party
  • 21. outwitting
  • 22. guild flag
  • 23. a small bit of tenderness
  • 24. if we were together, we could...
  • 25. now I’m going my own way
  • 26. I can’t go with you
  • 27. duel with me!
  • 28. she was my true friend
  • 29. we just have to get the flag
  • 30. win, and advance
  • 31. in front of the boss room
  • 32. Fuscus the Vacant Colossus
  • 33. together we can defeat it!
  • 34. we can be friends again
  • 35. this is the guild flag
  • 36. who I should cry for
  • 37. a toast and a raid
  • 38. I have a special pendant
  • 39. I will support you