动画系光盘 FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack Volume 2

日本名: アニメ系CD FINAL FANTASY XV Original Soundtrack Volume 2
管理编号: 120119464
发售日: 2018/03/21
制造商: 方形艾尼克斯
媒体: CD

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[1]〈EPISODE GLADIOLUS 〉(1)王的盾 (Theme of EPISODE GLADIOLUS)(2)Steeling My Resolve(3)Taelpar Crag(4)The Spirits Converge(5)The Trials of the Shield(6)大布里干酪 dge 的死战 (EPISODE GLADIOLUS Ver)(7)Of Muscle and Mettle(8)Scar on My Pride[2]〈EPISODE PROMPTO 〉(1)冰冷的心(2)职业 nput 的孤独(3)往原点的邀请(4)Orbital Instability(Extended Mix)(5)Trigger(6)Coffee and Contemplation(7)戒律的情况(8)螺旋的发疯(9)雪(10)心的灯(11)Identity(12)新的一步(13)Sound of My Heart(14)Face the Music(15)In a Trance(16)Crazy Motorsleigh(17)Orbital Instability(18)Aberrant Experiment(19)Sins of the Father(20)想走 的道路(21)应该回去的地方 (Theme of EPISODE PROMPTO)[3]〈MUTIPLAYER EXPANSION COMRADES 〉(1)Descent into Darkness(2)Choosing Hope ~光的街~(3)Hunters ’ Haven(4)Hunting for a Thrill(5)On the Defensive(6)Urgent Mission(7)The Clock Is Ticking(8)A Daunting Challenge(9)COMRADES Fanfare(10)Cheers!(11)Let There Be Light(12)Lodes of Fun(13)Rise and Shine(14)A Clash of Swords (15)The Wrath of Swords(16)Choosing Hope(17)继承 NOCTIS ~遗志愿的人~[4]〈EPISODE IGNIS 〉(1)EPISODE IGNIS-The Main Theme(2)焦躁和孤独(3)ele 精神短剑(4)战场的 orutisie(5)Rest Up ,Ignis(6)巤剑的军师(7)怒涛的战场(8)A United Front(9)为了[由于] 不同的目的,(10)放声大哭的刀刃(11)Theme of RAVUS(12)戒律的火苗(13)苍火苗的军师(14)自责的勋章(15)没有光的旅途(16)ARDYN 3(17)作为朋友,作为哥哥 -(18)地狱之火和成为(19)苍监狱(20)就算这个身体成为灰(21)恶魔的嘲笑(22)臣下的本胸怀(23)Apocalypsis Magnatus[5]〈ROYAL EDITION 〉(1)Over the Waves-At Anchor(2)Bismarck ,God of the Sea(3)Dirt Track Trials(4)Return of the King(5)A Warm Welcome(6)Insomnia Ablaze(7)Veiled in Black(Insomnia Arrangement)(8)Omega(9)Omega-Limit Break(10)Cerberus(11)Advent of the Apocalypse(12)Es it foron!-祈祷 -(13)Encelevenemus-王的怜被看 -(14)The Founder King ’s Hope(15)整夜的纪律
5 张


  • 1. 王の盾(Theme of EPISODE GLADIOLUS)
  • 2. Steeling My Resolve
  • 3. Taelpar Crag
  • 4. The Spirits Converge
  • 5. The Trials of the Shield
  • 6. ビッグブリッヂの死闘(EPISODE GLADIOLUS Ver)
  • 7. Of Muscle and Mettle
  • 8. Scar on My Pride
  • 1. 凍てつく心
  • 10. 心の灯
  • 11. Identity
  • 12. 新たな一歩
  • 13. Sound of My Heart
  • 14. Face the Music
  • 15. In a Trance
  • 16. Crazy Motorsleigh
  • 17. Orbital Instability
  • 18. Aberrant Experiment
  • 19. Sins of the Father
  • 2. プロンプトの孤独
  • 20. 歩みたい道
  • 21. 帰るべき場所(Theme of EPISODE PROMPTO)
  • 3. 原点への誘い
  • 4. Orbital Instability(Extended Mix)
  • 5. Trigger
  • 6. Coffee and Contemplation
  • 7. 禁忌の場
  • 8. 螺旋の狂気
  • 9. 雪
  • 1. Descent into Darkness
  • 2. Choosing Hope〜光の街〜
  • 3. Hunters’ Haven
  • 4. Hunting for a Thrill
  • 5. On the Defensive
  • 6. Urgent Mission
  • 7. The Clock Is Ticking
  • 8. A Daunting Challenge
  • 9. COMRADES Fanfare
  • 10. Cheers!
  • 11. Let There Be Light
  • 12. Lodes of Fun
  • 13. Rise and Shine
  • 14. A Clash of Swords
  • 15. The Wrath of Swords
  • 16. Choosing Hope
  • 17. NOCTIS〜遺志を継ぐ者〜
  • 1. EPISODE IGNIS-The Main Theme
  • 2. 焦燥と孤独
  • 3. エレメンタルダガー
  • 4. 戦場のオルティシエ
  • 5. Rest Up,Ignis
  • 6. 双剣の軍師
  • 7. 荒波の戦場
  • 8. A United Front
  • 9. 異なる目的のために
  • 10. 慟哭の刃
  • 11. Theme of RAVUS
  • 12. 禁忌の炎
  • 13. 蒼炎の軍師
  • 14. 自責の勲章
  • 15. 光なき旅路
  • 16. ARDYN 3
  • 17. 友として,兄として-
  • 18. 業火となりて
  • 19. 蒼獄
  • 20. この身が灰になろうとも
  • 21. 悪魔の嘲笑
  • 22. 臣下の本懐
  • 23. Apocalypsis Magnatus
  • 1. Over the Waves-At Anchor
  • 10. Cerberus
  • 11. Advent of the Apocalypse
  • 12. Es it foron!-祈りを-
  • 13. Encelevenemus-王の憐れみ-
  • 14. The Founder King’s Hope
  • 15. 夜に満ちる律べ
  • 2. Bismarck,God of the Sea
  • 3. Dirt Track Trials
  • 4. Return of the King
  • 5. A Warm Welcome
  • 6. Insomnia Ablaze
  • 7. Veiled in Black(Insomnia Arrangement)
  • 8. Omega
  • 9. Omega-Limit Break