动画系光盘 钢之炼金术师FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Original Soundtrack3

日本名: アニメ系CD 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Original Soundtrack 3
管理编号: 120043491
发售日: 2010/07/07
媒体: CD
安排: 千住明

产品的明细 ※现在,产品的信息通过翻译机械翻译,所以内容可以不正确。请贵客原谅。

(1)雨天(TV size)(锡德)(2)Knives and Shadows(3)March of the Moving Dolls(4)Crime and Punishment(宫本笑里)(5)Ante Meridiem(6)Consonance(7)The Intrepid(8)Tribute to W.C.1(9)The Forbearer(10)Envy Revealed~Adagio〜(11)Laws of Alchemy(Instrumental)(12)Heroic Bolero(13)A Soldier's Honor(14)Amestris Military March(15)Tribute to W.C.2(16)The Pendulum(17)The Day the Sun Disappearance(18)Dissident's Creed(19)In the Fray(20)Lapis Philosophorum~Chant〜(21)Violoncello's Lament(22)Sorrowful Stone(宫本笑里)(23)Main Theme~The Alchemist〜(24)The Awakening(25)Philosophorum Omega(26)Nightfall in Central City~Fin〜(27)Epilogue~A New Journey〜(28)Main Theme~Homage to Alchemy〜(29)Trisha's Lullaby~A Reminiscence〜(30)RAY OF LIGHT(TV size)(中川翔子)(31)Resembool's Lullaby(宫本笑里)
《钢之炼金术师FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST》的原声大碟第3弹。以千住明指挥、华沙爱乐乐团的演奏为基础,不断推出厚重且惊险的音画卷。也许是因为作品本身是沉重的主题,不管是缓急什么样的表情,都是令人欣喜的兴奋/哀愁的表现。


  • 1. レイン(TV size)
  • 2. Knives and Shadows
  • 3. March of the Moving Dolls
  • 4. Crime and Punishment
  • 5. Ante Meridiem
  • 6. Consonance
  • 7. The Intrepid
  • 8. Tribute to W.C.1
  • 9. The Forbearer
  • 10. Envy Revealed〜Adagio〜
  • 11. Laws of Alchemy(Instrumental)
  • 12. Heroic Bolero
  • 13. A Soldier’s Honor
  • 14. Amestris Military March
  • 15. Tribute to W.C.2
  • 16. The Pendulum
  • 17. The Day the Sun Disappeared
  • 18. Dissident’s Creed
  • 19. In the Fray
  • 20. Lapis Philosophorum〜Chant〜
  • 21. Violoncello’s Lament
  • 22. Sorrowful Stone
  • 23. Main Theme〜The Alchemist〜
  • 24. The Awakening
  • 25. Philosophorum Omega
  • 26. Nightfall in Central City〜Fin〜
  • 27. Epilogue〜A New Journey〜
  • 28. Main Theme〜Homage to Alchemy〜
  • 29. Trisha’s Lullaby〜A Reminiscence〜
  • 30. RAY OF LIGHT(TV size)
  • 31. Resembool’s Lullaby