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I want to learn about the Way of Tea but its formalities seem to be too high of ahurdle to overcomeI want to learn about the essence of the Way of Tea as an aspect of cultureI want to acquire knowledge about traditional Japanese culture as someone who isJapaneseHow can the Way of Tea be useful for business?I'd like to be able to explain Japanese culture to foreign nationalsI want to be able to relieve my tired spirit with a bowl of teaIf you have ever had feelings or thoughts similar to the above please continuereading this book<雖然想了解茶道,但好像很死板,難度很大><想了解作為教養的茶道的精華><作為日本人,想了解日本的傳統文化><對商務有用的茶道是什麽樣的?><想向外國人說明日本的文化><想用一碗的茶水治愈疲憊的心>如果有這樣想法的人,請務必閱讀。大受好評的『作為世界商業精英知道的教養的茶道』(突破41萬部)成為日英的對譯版!