Dakota Suite & Quentin Sirjacq / there is calm to be done

日本名: ニューエイジCD Dakota Suite & Quentin Sirjacq / there is calm to be done
管理編號: 236002629
發售日: 2014/06/22
媒體: CD

產品描述 ※現在,產品的信息通過翻譯機械翻譯,所以內容可以不正確。請貴客原諒。

(1)this is my way of saying that I am sorry(2)flat seat(3)in the stillness of this night(4)committing to uncertainty(5)nu dat deze dag voorbij is(6)dronning maud land(7)ask the dusk(8)be my love(9)nothing is gone(10)the tears that bind us to this place(11)the world touches me too hard(12)there is calm to be done(13)I miss the dust(14)onzekerheid※〈紙套樣式〉


  • 1. this is my way of saying that I am sorry
  • 2. flat seat
  • 3. in the stillness of this night
  • 4. committing to uncertainty
  • 5. nu dat deze dag voorbij is
  • 6. dronning maud land
  • 7. ask the dusk
  • 8. be my love
  • 9. nothing is gone
  • 10. the tears that bind us to this place
  • 11. the world touches me too hard
  • 12. there is calm to be done
  • 13. I miss the dust
  • 14. onzekerheid(bonus track)