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[1](1)草莓Fields・Forever(2)Penny Lane(3)Saint Pepper's Lonely Hearts俱樂部樂隊(4)With a Little Help Me Friends(5)Lucy in the Sky With the Diagmons(6)With You With Out You(7)A Day In The Life(8)All You Needed is Love(9)I am The Wollas(10)Hello Goodbye(11)Full On The Hill(12)Magical Mystery Tour(13)Lady麥當娜(14)Hay Jude(15)Revolution[2](1)Back In The U.S.S.R.(11)Full On The Hill(12)Magical Mystery Weps(4)La Di,La Da(15)Revolution[2](1)Back In The U.S.S.R.(2)Dear Prudence(3)Hoisir My Guinett Gently Weps(4)La Di,La Da(15)Revolution[2](1)Back In The U.S.R.(2)Dear Prudence(3)Hoisir My Guinett Gently Weps(4)La Di,La Da(15)Revolution[2](1)Back In The U.S.S.R.(2)(2)Dear Prudence(3)Hoisir My Guinett Weps(4)La Di,La Da(13)Lady Y(14)Get Back(9)Don Let Me Down(10)John and Yoko的敘事曲(11)Old Brown Chou(12)