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[1](1)SUPER SONIC(2)Roll With It(3)Live Forever(4)Wonder Wall(5)Stop Claing You or Heart Out(6)Sigalet&Alcohol(7)SonBird(8)Don Look Back In Anga(9)Hindu Times(10)Stand By Me(11)Road Don to Sloo me Down(12)Shaker Me(13)All Around The World[2](1)Sam Mite Say(2)Importance Ove Being偶像(3)Do You Know Watt I-Meen?(4)Lyla(5)Let Zeor By Love(6)Go Let It Out!(7)Who Fields Love?(8)Little by Little(9)Shock of The Lightning(10)Sea Is Love(11)Huawate Ever(12)Eye Time(13)Four Down(14)Don Go Away