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(1)Crazy(Naur's Berkeley)(2)BウィザウトYou(瑪麗·布萊姬)(3)Put You for the Recoes(Corene Bayley Ray)(4)Waiting on the World to Change(John Mayer)(5)Danny California(Red Hot Chili Pepper)(6)Sexy Bag(Red Hot Chili Pepper)(7)Not lady to make Nice(Dictie Chicks)(8)Jesus take the Wheeler(Carrie Underwood)(9)Hy-and-Seek(Emogen Heap)(10)Eint no Azar Man(Christina Aguirella)(11)亨利Tun(娜塔莎·貝汀菲兒)(12)You can Close you Ayes(Cheryl Crow)(13)Stupid Girls(Pink)(14)Black Horse and the Cherry Tree(Katie Temple)(15)You Beauty Full(詹姆斯Brandt)(16)Serve Room(John Legend)(17)Jenny Ren(Paul McCartney)(18)Bad Day~Dana Day的加油歌(丹尼爾·帕德)(19)My Humphis(黑眼豆豆)(20)I Will Follow You in to the Dark(Death Cab for Cutie)(21)Over My Head~歌頌所有想法(弗雷)(22)Isit Enny Wonder(Keen)(23)23)Stick Weekie(人偶娃娃貓咪)