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(1)Twogether we are strong(Sam Moor&Sam Brown)(2)In the Dark(Nora Jones)(3)スノウフレイクBugi(艾德·懷恩Star)(4)Only Face(Brian Ferry)(5)Wat Gods Around(Dionne Warwick)(6)Don You Kiss My腮紅(Tom Jones)(7)Out of the World(8)Lock Me(The Blind Boys)(9)First Time Ever-Eye Soo You a Face(立體聲)(10)Fly Me to the Moon(Huey)(11)The Can is Open(Bad lee Doroon Boy)(12)Yuaz Truly,コンフューズド&Ten(雷·戴維斯)(13)燕尾服JCT(朱爾斯·霍蘭德&His Rhythm&Bruce Orchestra)(14)Let the Bugi Ugi Roll(Robert Plant)(15)Doroon in My Owon Tiers(傑夫·貝剋)(16)Count me In(Ruby Turner)(17)U-Got to Save Sambuddy(瑪麗安·費斯福)(18)Angle-Grinder Blue(朱爾斯·霍蘭德,Chris Burber,Guy剝皮機)(19)Change is Gona Comb(Vivalie Night)(20)Tiardrops from My Eye(George Benson)(21)Dreams(Jimmy Cleef)(22)If you are the You Wear the It Velvet Dress(Bono)