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(1)Don Go Away(Radio Walk)(2)Celebration(Radio Party Vocal 9)(3)De Wa Didi(D D Radio)(4)Air Lab Version(9)(5)I Love You(Album Version)(6)Pain(Feel the Pain Mix)(7)Cross to You(Troubled Mix)(8)O Ye Ye(9)ブルーヴYou Love(10)My Life(11)Grove Me(Album Version)(12)Take Your Chance(Take theエアウェイヴスMix)(13)Fan Factory的主題(14)De Wa Didi Di(Du Wa NRG Remix)(15)Celebration(S拉姆Rap)(16)I Wanna Be Wiz You(Home girls International Remix)(17)Free Stein(18)Don Go Away(Extender Walk)(19)Free Stein(Expense Version)