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[1](1)魔法之鏡(2)月亮和蝴蝶(3)噴霧(feat.SKY-HI&穀中敦(東京斯卡樂園管弦樂團))(4)第二天早上(5)柑橘(6)那個(7)眨眼的途中(feat.橋本愛)(8)亞櫧樹(9)正者的行進(10)Urara(11)White Song(12)Tiny舞蹈(13)All Light[2]〈Blu-ray〉〈"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL+Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL(2)Behind The Scenes〉(1)"in the Rough 1"at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL(2)BeスリーヴケースXIIX勇者鬥惡龍勇者鬥惡龍小冊子合作櫧樹穀中櫧樹初回限定特典特典特典動畫TOY'S FACTORY