日本音樂CD TRINITY / Just the way to love

日本名: 邦楽CD TRINITY / Just the way to love

產品描述 ※現在,產品的信息通過翻譯機械翻譯,所以內容可以不正確。請貴客原諒。

(1)Just the way to love(D-Z ZERO WIZARD MIX/RADIO EDIT:D-Z)(2)Just the way to love(ORIGINAL MIX)(3)face(ORIGINAL MIX)(4)face(baby steppers TRIPLE STEPPIN'MIX:Naoki Atsumi)(5)face(Masters Of Funk Remix:CPM-MARVIN)(6)Just the way to love(Pete Hammond 80's style re-mix:Pete Hammond)(7)Just the way to love(D-Z ZERO WAZARD MIX)(8)Just the way to love(Instrumentation)(9)face(instrumentation)
avex trax


  • 1. Just the way to love(D-Z ZERO WIZARD MIX/RADIO EDIT/Play Station2ゲーム「メックスミス・ランディム」テーマソング)
  • 2. Just the way to love(ORIGINAL MIX)
  • 3. face(ORIGINAL MIX)
  • 4. face(baby steppers TRIPLE STEPPIN’ MIX)
  • 5. face(Masters Of Funk Remix)
  • 6. Just the way to love(Pete Hammond 80’s style re-mix)
  • 7. Just the way to love(D-Z ZERO WAZARD MIX)
  • 8. Just the way to love(インストゥルメンタル)
  • 9. face(インストゥルメンタル)