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<2003.9.13演唱會獎金影像>:(16)People of the sun(17)Know your enemy(18)Beautiful World/2000年民主黨黨代會場外的Demo Free Live>:Bulls on parade,Testify,Guerrilla radeo,Freedom,Killing in the name/<未發表視頻片段>:How I Could Just Kill A Man,
<2003.9.13演唱會>:(1)Bulls on parade,2)Bombtrack(3)Calm like a bomb(4)Bullet in the head(5)Sleep now in the fire(10)No Shelter(11)Guerrilla radio(12)How I Could Just Kill A Man(13)Kick out the jams(14)Testify(15)Freedom\〈影像特典><2003.9.13演唱會獎金影像>:(16)People of the sun(17)Know your enemy(18)Beautiful World/2000年Housin黨代會場外的Demo Free Live>:Bulls on parade,Testify,Guerrilla radeo,Freedom,Killing in the name/<未發表視頻片段>:How I Could Just Kill A Man,Bombtrack