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"What is to come"/"What is Animatrix?"/"Whatisthematrix.com?"/"The Dabce of the Master Yuen Wo Ping's Blocking Tapes"/"The True Followers?"/"The Bathroom Fight and Wet Wall"/"But Wait-There's More"/隱藏按鈕:Alley Chase/The Women in Red/Agent Down/原創劇場預告片/〈聲音解說〉隱藏按鈕:JUKEL BOX(音樂集)
演出:Kinu Reeves/勞倫斯·菲什伯恩/凱莉-安·摩絲/Hugo Weave/Woshowski兄弟/Joel Silver/Yuan Woopin
演出:Alley Chase/The Women in Red/Agent Down/原創預告片
"What is to come"/"What is Animatrix?"/"The true followers?"/"Whatisthematrix.com?"/"The Dabce of the Master Yuen Wo Ping's Blocking Tapes"/"The True Followers?"/"The Bathroom Fight and Wet Wall"/"But Wait-There's More"/隱藏按鈕:Alley Chase/The Women in Red/Agent Down/原創劇場預告片