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[1](1)shadows and fog(2)tailing in darkness(3)scars of the past(4)go and get it!(5)on a day so calm(6)espionage trap(7)under suspicion(8)bitter times(9)tact are rising(10)a royal girl(11)walking in the fog(12)battle of the shadows(13)orchestrion(14)A Page of My Story(Piano ver.)(15)room with no window(16)everyone has something to hide(17)titteringly(18)school girl life(19)the creeping fate(20)something is out there(21)have to get over(22)the London Wall(23)moonlight melody(Piano ver.)[2](1)a fighter-girl from east(19)tiny flower garden(3)a noble man(4)why should we be apart?(5)tragedy and silence(6)in the fog(7)operations in action(8)hopeless(9)give your hands to me(10)acting behind the scenes(11)moonlight melody in blue(12)a girl from the east(13)uncanny(14)shall we dance?(15)A Page of the Wall(TV Size)《Princess Principal》的原創・原聲音樂集。創作音樂的是作為作曲家、製片人活躍的梶浦由記。用縴細且壯觀的樂曲點綴故事。