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(1)生物危害(2)Twilight of Neo Kobe City(3)掠奪者主題~第一部分(4)紀元主題(5)Eternal Promise(6)One Night In Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(7)Themes of Neo Kobe City(654掠奪者掠奪者低地區KONAMI