西洋音乐CD 莎拉·欧兰/SARAH(SHM-CD)[带DVD的初回限定盘]

日本名: 洋楽CD サラ・オレイン / SARAH(SHM-CD)[DVD付初回限定盤]
管理编号: 221182866
发售日: 2014/09/24
制造商: 统一管理
媒体: CD

产品的明细 ※现在,产品的信息通过翻译机械翻译,所以内容可以不正确。请贵客原谅。

[1](1)电影「罗密欧与朱丽叶」~A Time For Us~永恒之爱(2)「异度之刃」片段・主题~Beyond the Sky(3)The Pryer(4)Canta Con Me~那天的歌曲(5)电影「谢尔布尔的雨伞」~Les Parapluies de Cherbourg(6)年轻人(7)Turns to Light(8)「悲惨世界」~I Dreamed A Dream(9)铁路员(Poppo屋)(10)「时光旅行者」片段・主题~The Final Time Traveler(English ver.)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(2014年妮维雅歌曲)(14)「异度之刃」片段・主题~The Final Time Traveler(English ver.)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(2014年歌曲)(14)异度之刃片段・主题~Beyond the Sky(Japanese ver.)[2](1)电影「罗密欧与朱丽叶」~A Time For Us~永恒之爱(2)「」片段・主题~The Final Time Traveler(English ver.)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?(13)Always with you(Always with you)(11)线(12)Dream As One?※〈[一『』『』动画「」「」「」「」莎拉·欧兰光田康典


  • 1. A Time For Us〜永遠(とわ)の愛(映画「ロミオとジュリエット」)
  • 2. Beyond the Sky(「ゼノブレイド」エンディング・テーマ)
  • 3. The Prayer
  • 4. Canta Con Me〜あの日の歌
  • 5. Les Parapluies de Cherbourg(映画「シェルブールの雨傘」)
  • 6. 若者たち
  • 7. Turns to Light
  • 8. I Dreamed A Dream(夢やぶれて)(「レ・ミゼラブル」)
  • 9. 鉄道員(ぽっぽや)
  • 10. The Final Time Traveler(「タイムトラベラーズ」エンディング・テーマ
  • 11. 糸
  • 12. Dream As One?
  • 13. Always with you(ふれあうだけで)(2014年ニベアソング)
  • 14. Beyond the Sky(「ゼノブレイド」エンディング・テーマ