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[1](1)Jumpin Jack flash(2)シャタード(3)Sea Weiss Hot(4)All Down The Line(5)Raving Cup(with Jack white)(6)As Tiers Go Bye(泪水满溢)(7)Sam Girls(8)Just Me Imagination(9)Fur Away Eye(10)香槟酒&莉法(with Buddy Guy)(11)滚动骰子(12)乐队介绍(13)You Got the Silvers(14)Connection[2](1)马丁·斯科塞斯introducer法(2)怜悯恶魔之歌(3)Live me(with Christina Aguirella)(4)Start Me Up(5)Brown Sugar(6)Satisfaction(7)黑湿!(8)Under Cover of the Night(9)Little T&A(10)Im Free(11)照亮光※〈SHM-CD〉
现场录音/[1][2](1)〜(6)(11)2006年11月[2](7)〜(10)2006年10月[1][2](1)〜(6)(11)live at the Beacon Thatre in New York on 1 November 2006[2](7)(10)live at the Beacon Thatre in New York on 29 October 2006