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(1)Not the Capable of Love(2)The Cafféby the Sea(3)New Year day(4)Secretハンドシェイクス(5)TheシェイエンヌLine(6)and we have all Bicham Like Smash(7)Connections A More Denjars Zan Rise(8)What Ever Evers Rise Will Help You Rest(9)From The Last,Last Call(10)Hoen all Elss Fails it Fails(11)A原声大碟For Dis Rainy Morning(12)Begin Again From The Begin(13)5幕4章:And the So It Ends or Like It Biggins(14)The Ghost of Last Descent Bar(15)Welcome The Night(16)The Rockwood Sin(13)5幕4章:And the So It Ends or Like It Biggins(14)The Ghost of Last Descent Bar(15)Welcome The Night(16)The Rockwood Sin(13)5幕4章:And the So It Ends or Last Descent Bars(15)Welcome The Night(16)The Rockwood Sin(13)5幕4章:And the So It Ends or Last Descent Bars(14)The Ghost of Last Descent Bars(15)Welcome The Night(16)The Rockwood Sin(13)5幕4章:And the So It Ends and Last Descent Bars(13)5幕4章:And the So It Ends