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[1](1)Look A.Baby(2)California Blue#1(3)All The Time(4)エヴリバディズin The Moble(5)Color and Captain(6)Dorothy May(7)Sweet Woman(8)Decoration Day(9)O.Red(10)I Not Joking(11)High Way My Friend(12)Hold You A Money(13)California Blue#2(14)Stay A.I.Hare(18)My Life(19)You Auto To Know(20)Nature(别版本)(21)Walk to Camp Hall(22)PoA Boy(别版本)[2](1)My Baby Tall(别版本)(2)Midnight Bruce(Morning for My Baby)(4)Gesting Late(5)Wolf in The Moble(6)My Peoples Goon(7)Mamas Baby(8)Tail Dragger(别版本)(9)Long Green员工(10)Joy To My Soul(11)PoWindows the Net Change(12)Pop It the Me(13)Ai Had A Klaing(16)Rohrin and Tamblin(原声版)(17)More Haulin Wolf(18)Ai Ento Nare Change(12)Pop It the Me(13)Ai Had A Klaing(16)Rohrin and Tamblin(原声版)(19)More Haulin Wolf(18)Ai Ento Gona By You Dog No Moble(原声版)(19)Walk Up
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