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[1](1)I HATE U(2)Blueberry Gum[2]〈Blu-ray〉(1)敬启摇滚明星(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE the ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(2)BOLLOCKS(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE the ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(3)Just Do it(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE the ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(4)BE MY Friend(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE the ASP TOUR Final at视频)(16)NO REASON(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE THE ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(17)Wait AND WASTE(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE THE ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(18)SPiT OUT(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE THE ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(20)每天是虚无也(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE THE ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(21)Tokyo Sky Blues(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE THE ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video)(22)A Song of Punk(2022.12.23 GOD SAVE THE ASP TOUR Final at Zepp DiverCity-Live Video 2](1)~(26)2022年12月
avex trax
WACK所属的女性偶像・组合、ASP的Major 2 nd单曲。主打歌由SATOH亲自制作,拥有适合盛夏的飞驰感。
2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 2022.12.23 SAKEBEレリゴWARRiES缺少特典特典特典KOKOKARA