动画系光盘 Road of Vermillion IV原创·原声大碟

日本名: アニメ系CD ロード オブ ヴァーミリオンIV オリジナル・サウンドトラック
管理编号: 120121237
发售日: 2018/06/27
媒体: CD
生产: 岩崎琢

产品的明细 ※现在,产品的信息通过翻译机械翻译,所以内容可以不正确。请贵客原谅。

[1](1)V-Rain(Main Theme)(2)Mystic Temple(3)Systematic Blood(4)YAHMAN Run-LORD!(5)Here Comes the Circus(Theme:无名的希娅)(6)Sei-chan-Death(Theme:道明寺剑术道场)(7)ARATAMA-Furi(Theme:朱御山神宫)(8)Downfall World(Theme:天天公园)(9)Time to Frozen(Theme:天河公园)(10)The other side of the ripples(Theme:天河公园)(11)Infinity-C·O·O·L(Theme:无限塔)(12)Esperance(Theme:天河大学正门前)(13)Let's Get It(14)Raid on Rage(phase:the Ultimate Raid)(12)Override!(phase:the Decisive Stage)[2](1)With their fingers entwined.(2)Disaster(3)Meltor mou hoyer(4)Sky Tower(5)MYOU-JIN(6)Fear Institute(7)So Much More(8)the Power of the Hero(9)[continue?](10)Call(ATTENTION)(11)Call(VICTORORY)(12)Call(DEFEAT)(13)Monkey Flip-Flap(14)Long Sorrow(15)Le-Mugia(16)Double Doubt(17)Terrified(18)Spirit World(19)Phantom Swim(20)Painful Past(21)Heavy Tension(22)Ring of Truth(23)Blood Arms(Ending Theme1)(24)Let's meet again(Ending Theme2)(25)In the Farewell
※对于标题中没有「初次」标记的商品,【特典情报】的初次特典不在保修范围之内。 请您事先了解之后再购买。
Square Enix
卡片街游戏『Road of Virmillion4』的原声大碟。 电影评分作曲家岩崎琢负责音乐创作。 以充满活力的合成声为中心,从超棒的俱乐部声到营造出黑暗氛围的最小的技术轨道,色彩丰富的对战型卡片战斗将热气腾腾。


  • 1. V-Rain(Main Theme)
  • 2. Mystic Temple
  • 3. Systematic Blood
  • 4. YAHMAN Run-LORD!
  • 5. Here Comes the Circus(Theme:名もなき広間)
  • 6. Sei-chan-Death(Theme:道明寺剣術道場)
  • 7. ARATAMA-Furi(Theme:朱御山神宮)
  • 8. Downfall World(Theme:日々河公園)
  • 9. Time to Frozen(Theme:上恵大学・運動場)
  • 10. The other side of the ripples(Theme:とやまえん跡)
  • 11. Infinity-C・O・O・L(Theme:インフィニティシアター)
  • 12. Esperance(Theme:上恵大学・正門前)
  • 13. Let’s Get It
  • 14. Raid on Rage(phase:the Ultimate Raid)
  • 15. Override!
  • 1. With their fingers entwined.
  • 10. Call(ATTENTION)
  • 11. Call(VICTORY)
  • 12. Call(DEFEAT)
  • 13. Monkey Flip-Flap
  • 14. Long Sorrow
  • 15. Le-Mugia
  • 16. Double Doubt
  • 17. Terrified
  • 18. Spirit World
  • 19. Phantom Swim
  • 2. Disaster
  • 20. Painful Past
  • 21. Heavy Tension
  • 22. Ring of Truth
  • 23. Blood Arms(Ending Theme 1)
  • 24. Let’s meet again(Ending Theme 2)
  • 25. In the Farewell
  • 3. Meltor mou hoyer
  • 4. Sky Tower
  • 5. MYOU-JIN
  • 6. Fear Institute
  • 7. So Much More
  • 8. the Power of the Hero
  • 9. [continue?]