洋楽CD ハワード・ハロー&グリーンネス / スプリット

管理番号: 221093116
発売日: 2007/05/23
メディア: CD


[1]〈HOWARD HELLO〉(1)Intro(part 1)(2)Intro(part 2)(3)Way Out(4)Lazy(5)It’s O.K.(6)Brothers of Light,Sons of Darkness[2]〈GREENNESS〉(1)In Fond Remembrance Of Doug Keith...Wait He’s Still Alive,I Gotta Call Him(2)It Looks So Big In Your Little Hands(the Doad)(3)I Never Met A Mark Gonzalez I Didn’t Like(4)Unofficial Saint Augustine Theme Song〈COLLABORATIONS〉(5)You Seriously Couldn’t Hear That Siren?(Sunset Club)(6)Morning After Coffee’s Better Than Nothing(Sunset Club)(7)Godzilla 06 White Dude 00(Species Being)(8)And You Said Robots Weren’t Sexy(John Citrone&Mitch Cheney)(9)Blimey That’s A Randy Handsmacker(MDLFS #2)(10)The Portage(In League)(11)Children Watch As The Colors Fade(Library Tapes)(12)On(e) Sunday(A Bit Farther West)(13)Acoustic Backwoods Prog City Cowboy(Ben Mjolsness&Mitch Cheney)(14)Remember When Goils Were Goils And Men Were Men(Tsui)(15)And The Answer Is Yes,Even Angels Fart(MDLFS #4)
2 枚
サンフランシスコのポスト・ロック系バンドのRumah Sakitのメンバー二人のそれぞれのユニットの作品を2イン1で。穏やかなハワード・ハローとシャープな質感のグリーンネス、それぞれ美しさにおいては引き分けといったところ?

曲目リスト 曲目リスト

  • 1. Intro(part 1)
  • 2. Intro(part 2)
  • 3. Way Out
  • 4. Lazy
  • 5. It’s O.K.
  • 6. Brothers of Light,Sons of Darkness
  • 1. In Fond Remembrance Of Doug Keith...Wait He’s Still Alive,I Gotta Call Him
  • 10. The Portage(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 11. Children Watch As The Colors Fade(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 12. On(e) Sunday(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 13. Acoustic Backwoods Prog City Cowboy(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 14. Remember When Goils Were Goils And Men Were Men(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 15. And The Answer Is Yes,Even Angels Fart(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 2. It Looks So Big In Your Little Hands(the Doad)
  • 3. I Never Met A Mark Gonzalez I Didn’t Like
  • 4. Unofficial Saint Augustine Theme Song
  • 5. You Seriously Couldn’t Hear That Siren?(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 6. Morning After Coffee’s Better Than Nothing(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 7. Godzilla 06 White Dude 00(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 8. And You Said Robots Weren’t Sexy(COLLABORATIONS)
  • 9. Blimey That’s A Randy Handsmacker(COLLABORATIONS)