In order to feel close to Shinto and Buddhism at all times - Make your heart clear. Raise your own energy and protect it - (tentative)

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Japanese title: ニューエイジCD 神仏をいつも身近に感じるために-心澄ませ .自身の気運を高めて守る-(仮)
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Product description ※Please note that product information is not in full comprehensive meaning because of the machine translation.

[List of songs]
(1) Drums of shrines (2) Norito : Oharae Norito (3) Norito : Inari Norito (4) Norito : Misogi Oharae (5) Visiting shrines in one's mind (sound effects) (6) Maka Hannya Haramitashin-kyo Sutra (Hannya Shingyo) (7) Shingon : Fudomyo-o (8) Shingon : Shaka-nyorai (9) Shingon : Jizo Bosatsu (10) Shingon : Yakushi nyorai (11) Shingon : Amida Nyorai (12) Shingon : Dainichi-nyorai (Vajradhatu) (13) Shingon : Dainichi-nyorai (Garbhadhatu) (14) Shingon : Sho Kannon (15) Shingon : Senju-kannon statue (16) Shingon : Juichimen Kannon (17) Shingon : quire (18) Kobo Daishi Gohogo (Treasure) (19) Buddhist service (Ogomatu-shugyo) ~ Nyudo no Kane, Nyudo no Nyudo, Priest's Nyudo, Sanre-seated, Daidoshi Gomashu-shuho, Shakujo-kyo, Hannya Shingyo (with drums), Mantra, Prayers, Sanre-rei, 退堂 ~ (20) Horagai (21) Taiko (22) Kinshi (23) Kongo-suzu (with sound of goma-burning) (24) Shakujo ~ Kongo-suzu (Tenjo Soraku) (25) Heavenly healing ~ FREED SPIRIT (26) Heavenly healing 2 ~ BRIGHT FUTURE
New Age / Easy Listening
Drum (22) Kinshi (23) Kongo-suzu (with sound of goma-burning) (24) Shakujo ~ Kongo-suzu (Tenjo Soraku) (25) Heavenly healing ~ FREE SPIRIT (26) Heavenly healing 2 ~ BRIGHT FUTURE
[Special information]
[Special information]
[Special information]
[Special information]
[Number of pieces]
1 piece
[Comments on new CD]
A CD supervised by Shikiko Sakurai, a popular blogger in the spiritual world. If you hear and learn the Shingon and Norito repeatedly, you will feel closer to Shinto and Buddhist deities when you visit the temple.
[Inari Shrine Kawasaki Daishi Bishamonten Hirama 於菊 Tadashi Takahashi

Track list

  • 1. 神社太鼓(神社)
  • 2. 祝詞:大祓詞(神社)
  • 3. 祝詞:稲荷祝詞(神社)
  • 4. 祝詞:身禊大祓(神社)
  • 5. 心の中の神社参拝(神社
  • 6. 摩訶般若波羅蜜多心経(仏閣
  • 7. 真言:不動明王(仏閣)
  • 8. 真言:釈迦如来(仏閣)
  • 9. 真言:地蔵菩薩(仏閣)
  • 10. 真言:薬師如来(仏閣)
  • 11. 真言:阿弥陀如来(仏閣)
  • 12. 真言:大日如来(仏閣
  • 13. 真言:大日如来(仏閣
  • 14. 真言:聖観音(仏閣)
  • 15. 真言:千手観音(仏閣)
  • 16. 真言:十一面観音(仏閣)
  • 17. 真言:毘沙門天(仏閣)
  • 18. 弘法大師 ご宝号(仏閣)
  • 19. 法要(お護摩供修行)〜入堂の鐘,僧侶入堂,三礼着座,大導師護摩供修法,錫杖経,般若心経(太鼓付),諸真言,諸祈願,三礼,退堂〜(仏閣)
  • 20. 法螺貝(祓の音)
  • 21. 太鼓(祓の音)
  • 22. 磬子(祓の音)
  • 23. 金剛鈴(祓の音
  • 24. 錫杖〜金剛鈴(祓の音)
  • 25. 天上からの癒し〜FREED SPIRIT(天上奏楽)
  • 26. 天上からの癒し2〜BRIGHT FUTURE(天上奏楽)
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