
日本(にっぽん)のアニメやゲームの商品(しょうひん)をとりあつかっている駿河屋(するがや)では ワーキングホリデーで 来日(らいにち)している方(かた)を採用(さいよう)しています。 仕事(しごと)はいろいろあります。 はじめてでも先輩(せんぱい)がていねいにレクチャーするので 安心(あんしん)してはたらけます! 駿河屋(するがや)で日本(にっぽん)のカルチャーにふれてみませんか? ...

Amusement Headphones Slime & King Slime "DRAGON QUEST" is now on sale!

"DRAGON QUEST" headphone is now available! * This item is "one piece only" within the series headphone. Now on sale! Click here to purchase! ⇒Amusement Headphones Slime & King Slime "DRAGON Q...

[10,000 yen ~ NO UPPER LIMIT] From 2/22 (Sat) SURUGA-YA. COM Railway model 20% off SALE !

Railway model fans, the time has come AGAIN to buy a model train! Due to popular demand, we're bringing back the model train bulk purchase sale Check the details and get your orders in! Now's the...

Until February 27(Thu.) ”Free Shipping Campaign”!

Free shipping campaign is underway at SURUGA-YA.COM. No matter what you buy or how much you buy, shipping is free! The list of products will be increased during the campaign period! This is a super...

Nintendo Switch "Ring Fit Adventure" is now on sale!

The Joy-Con is attached to the "Ring-Con" and "Leg-Band", which are new peripheral devices attached to the package. The "Ring-Con" and "Leg-Band" The "Ring-Con" and "Leg-Band" recognize the movements ...

Until February 20(Thu.) ”Free Shipping Campaign”!

Free shipping campaign is underway at SURUGA-YA.COM. No matter what you buy or how much you buy, shipping is free! The list of products will be increased during the campaign period! This is a super...