[Celebration / Birthday] January 12 / Manga artist Takehiko Inoue

Today, January 12 is Takehiko Inoue's birthday.
He turned 55 years old this year! Congratulations!
Takehiko Inoue is a manga artist who produces many popular works such as "Real" and "Vagabond" as well as "SLAM DUNK" which is said to be a gold tower of basketball comics!
We would like to introduce Takehiko Inoue's profile and his works!
Let's celebrate his birthday together♪(*´▽`*)

Takehiko Inoue's profile

He was born in Kagoshima prefecture on January 12, 1967. He is Capricornus.
In 1988, "Kaede Purple" made its debut by winning the Tezuka Award for Weekly Shonen Jump.
In 1990, "SLAM DUNK," which started a series in the same magazine, became a big hit. Since then, many hit movies such as "Vagabond" and "Real" have been released, and they have become popular not only in Japan but also abroad.
SLAM DUNK is scheduled to be released this fall.
Fans are paying attention to his work as a director and screenwriter.

Takehiko Inoue's works

Takehiko Inoue's related works are here!


Click here to view related items of SLAM DUNK

[2] Vagabond

Click here to view related items of Vagabond

[3] Real

Click here to view related items of Real

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